Paint pushers, also known as Color Shapers, are silcone tools originally made for painters-- but clayers found that these are great tools to use with polymer clay, too!
Fantasy Clay says: Aside from a needle tool, my favorite is a #2 taper end clay shaper. Using these tool I can make almost anything. These are absolutes, even my exacto knife comes in after these.
The taper point (middle one)- great for smoothing seams, clay, shaping-it's strong and flexible, good for eye holes, etc. etc. I use it for shaping and manipulating the clay, handy for where my fingers are too big. I use the angled circle thingy (second from right), which makes good smilies.
WireRunsThroughIt says: They are amazing, I can now smooth out those lines in tight places and refine my cabs edges with them, I also use them to smooth the surface of anything flat. Really great tools!