Monday, September 26, 2011

Meet Polymer Clay Smoosher member AmazingDesigns

 Marlene, of AmazingDesigns, is one talented Polymer Clay Smoosher!  She was kind enough to answers a few questions and let us get to know her a little better.
Pewter Dragonfly Charm on Blue Feathered Pendant Spotted Tiger Lily Five  Petal Reversible Necklace Blue Mood Triple Circle Pendant
With all the mediums available for crafting why did you choose Polymer clay?
It is the most versatile medium ever created. It can mimic just about any of the others, and is completely forgiving, reusable and adaptable.

How did you learn to use polymer clay? Internet, experimenting, books, classes.....
On a dare. My son was using it for his creations, and when I suggested making jewelry with it, he said "You do it", so I search the Internet, bought some books, and blocks and I was hooked.

What is your favorite tool to work with?
My pasta machine. The blends that come out of it are amazing and very often surprising. I can get a whole new inspiration, just from what comes out of it.

Do you like to work with any mediums other than polymer clay?
I would have to say my current passion is for wire wrapping, and making chains, to complete some of my creations.

What is your favorite polymer clay technique and why?
I don't really have a favorite, as I often switch from one to another, but the most used one I like is making canes. Taking slices of them further into a completed design really gets the creative juices flowing.

What is your least favorite technique and why?
Haven't found one yet.

What is on your "to do" or "to learn" list?

Do you mix your own colors? Why or why not?
Yes and no. I primarily use Sculpey Premo, which has a wide color selection, but of course, there are often times when a different hue, value, or saturation is needed for a palette.

How do you keep your designs fresh and original?
Keeping my eyes open, observing current trends, and, the biggest one, taking inspiration from nature.

What keeps you from getting into a creative rut?
We all have times of "brain drain", but what works for me is just a little down time. Taking care of grandchildren, tending to my orchids, working on my photography, or just keeping up with others in blogs and chats, all help to get new inspirations.

What is your favorite brand of clay if you have one and why?
As mentioned Sculpey Premo. I use it almost exclusively. Some would say it is too soft, compared to others, but I have no patience for conditioning the others to the extent they need, and often the softness can be overcome by just letting it sit, or place in the 'frig, for a while.
Here are a few beautiful pieces that can be found in AmazingDesign's shop.  Be sure to stop in and see all she has to offer! 

0 Smooshing Thoughts: