What got you interested in polymer clay as a medium?
I have always enjoyed working with several mediums. The reason for working with clay is the idea I can create anything whether it's a bead or a whimsical sculpture. (Still waiting to good enough to whimsical sculptures though)
What inspires you to create?
I never know what's going to inspire me. One time it might be music, another it might be the sunset or something funny my daughter has done.
Do you have a favorite technique?
At the moment my favorite techinque is undecided. I am still learning and alot to master before I can really decide what's my favorite however, if I had to pick one I would say not messing up. LOL
Of everything you have created which is your favorite?
Out of the items I have created I think my polymer clay hamburger earrings is one of my favorites

What do you prefer to make out of polymer clay and why?
I like to experiment and make all types of items.
How do you decide what to make?
It depends on what colors I have at the moment and I guess if something has inspired me.
Is there something you wish you could make in clay that you have not yet?
I want to make beads. I mean beads made from rollers where they are all precisely the same size. I also would love to make one of kind whimsical charms and beads
What is your best advice for someone starting out in polymer clay?
My advice is don't give up. I have wanted to a couple times but I am slowly learning and enjoying it.
1 Smooshing Thoughts:
Thank you so much for posting about me! I really appreciate it.
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