We have a very tiny house (762sq ft) and part of that footage includes these stairs that lead down to my studio/our basement...

BTW, those stairs were painted over 5 years ago with cheap acrylic paints I bought at $1 store. I covered with a coat of Future floor wax and I have never touched it up. And we have had a series of plumbers,gas men,and repair guys tromping up and down those stairs with muddy boots and equipment for the last 2 years!
Welcome to my world :)

The entire space is 16 feet x 8 feet. At chest level is an additional 16" ledge all around the entire room which I use as book/storage shelves. My studio is just right for short people ..all others have to

I wish I had a pic for you to see what I started with, but imagine dimly lit, spider webs, dirt, coal dust, and everything creepy crawlies love. Half the basement is dirt (called the 'darkside') and the other half has an uneven unlevel somewhat cement floor. After I had cleaned everything out, I painted all the walls white, I stapled light colored wallpaper to the ceiling slats (here's a small before/after shot on the ceiling).

What a difference a few wallpaper remnants did to brighten things up.
Next I layed a years worth of newspaper over the bumpety floor, and bought a linoleum remnant for my flooring. The newspaper padded the rough floor so that the linoleum isn't broken to bits when I roll my chair around. Everything is bright and I can see a spider coming from any direction...although not many have made it past the 57 spider traps I have under and behind everything :) sorry spidey lovers
My main work areas are at the easel (painting) ,which you saw earlier, and at my "ClayStation"

It is a used computer desk that has pull out shelves.

I bought used cassette cabinets to store my opened clay and canes. I can store flat pieces in stacks on parchment paper in the drawers and I don't have to bother with as much plastic wrap that way.

4 Smooshing Thoughts:
Un resultado excelente. Besos
I want to find something like the cassette cabinet. Awesome idea!
Love those stairs!!
Stairs are fantastic & what you did to make your studio work for you is fantastic as well!! Love it!
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