Shelves and bins and trays, Oh My!...
the more bins you have the more stuff you can stash :)

plastic meat trays make great (cheap) storage trays

For hard to reach shelves, I use lazy susan's, load em up, then I can spin the things around to me and not have to try and reach to the back of a shelf. That's a huge beige one on that shelf.

A small tv and vcr/dvd combo so I can watch craft tapes all day long if I want to. I used to be a HGTV junkie and have 100's of hours of craft shows taped. Wish there was some way to share the gold mine I have in tapes.

My polymer clay books above and see that tote marked 'material'? It's overflowing with fabric I "had to have"...and I don't even like to sew! I've used old drawers as containers and store them on a cart, and they still pull out like a drawer.
and FINALLY the Pièce de résistance

a multi speed heated massage chair...
Hope I gave you some new inspiration. Just because it's a basement with no windows, doesn't mean it can't be tranformed into the coolest room in the house. Seriously! In the summer, my studio is the place to be...always a cool 65 degrees. My clay never gets overheated, stays fresh longer,and when working the softer stuff, the cooler temps help me out ALOT. And I didn't spend a fortune to do it. I got the wallpaper remnants, desk, claystation, cassette cabinets all at the thrift shop for less than $50. I bought a 5 gallon bucket of paint for $30. The linoleum remnant was the most expensive thing at $90. The rest was all elbow grease I put into cleaning and brightening it up.

One quick shot before I go...I love my studio.
1 Smooshing Thoughts:
Very neat, you have done a great job with your studio!
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