Since I didn't see any requests for a book, I grabbed one purely at random and came up with Polymer Clay for the Fun Of It! by Kim Cavender. I first saw Kim on the Carol Duvall Show on HGTV. And then I saw her book while waiting at the check out stand in a crafts store. Just thumbing through it, now, I remember exactly why I bought it; I have seen a half dozen projects that I need to try.

'For the Fun of It' starts out with the 'clay primer'-a short basics overview-clay, tools, and treatments; and quickly moves to the skinner blend- demonstrating a couple of different ways to start using it. She teaches a couple of earring projects; one of them is a dichroic look that is particularly stunning! But what really caught my eye was the leaf cane. I took a picture of the cane I made following her directions and as you can see, even in different colors, it's a nice looking cane.

There is a simple tip on using black/white patterns as an accent. And then she shows you how to apply that tip in several different projects. Next, there is another cane, and this one is a beautiful flower petal; another beauty worth trying! Among some of the other projects are a face mask, a set of book ends, a mirror and photo frame. There is a glitzy tile clock that I believe I have all the materials needed to make it. The book finishes off with a gallery of beautiful pieces by various artists. I give this book 5 stars out 5 and I will definitely be keeping this it in my collection.
Until, next time, happy claying everyone
PS. Did you see Dori Of SassysClayCreations featured in HandMade News this week?
The next Review-Do you have a preference? Dottie McMillan? or Judy Belcher? If so, leave me a comment.
1 Smooshing Thoughts:
Yeah, that article on Dori was very nice! Polymer Clay for the Fun of it is one of the few books that I don't have yet. I may have to see if I can pick it up. Thanks for the great review!
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