What got you interested in polymer clay as a medium?
When I saw this great belt buckle at a store and was wondering what it was made from. The clerk said "Fimo" and directed me to the aisle where it was sold. This was in 1989.
What inspires you to create?
Gosh, that's a toughy. I guess it would be where I live. I'm fascinated with sealife. Creating is my job. I've been called prolific and it's true, when I create something I already think about the 'next'.
Do you have a favorite technique?
Yes. (oh...do you want to know what it is? lol...It changes all the time, but right now it is stenciling on clay..
Of everything you have created which is your favorite?
My Bottom Time Clock. I only create smaller stuff now, but early 90's it was all much bigger.

What do you prefer to make out of polymer clay and why?
I tend to swing back to jewelry. Every once in a while I create vessels, but galleries tend to ask me for jewelry because they are the 'quick' sellers. I prefer to make a living, lol...so it's jewelry for me.
How do you decide what to make?
Deciding is easy. I make what people expect to find in the area. Living in a touristy town, I create things that fit in to the locality.
Is there something you wish you could make in clay that you have not yet?
oh gosh, I'd love to have a TV show ask me to create something for their sci-fi show or similar. I'd love a challenge like that.
What makes polymer clay a better fit for your products than other mediums?
Probably because I have collected so many of the 'go withs' over the years. I've harvested the whole household for polymer clay dedicated stuffs. I can create textures and finishes, transfers, replicate stone, metal, wood, ivory etc etc. I can recreate what I need and when I need, most of the time.
What is your best advice for someone starting out in polymer clay?
Don't expect too much of yourself in the beginning. It takes a while to get the feel of the clay. Don't tell yourself "I can't do that!" nor give up after the first few tries. You will be able to master with practice, advice and help from others. On the other hand, you might pleasantly surprise yourself with your very first project. Some people are naturals!
3 Smooshing Thoughts:
I am drooling over that clock. You do beautifulwork
Great belt buckle and I checked out your shop. Love the Dragonflys!
Aww! Thanks! xox smoosh!
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